Tobacco statistics
2017 Canadian Community Health Survey
The Canadian Community Health Survey is a survey of health related behaviours, including tobacco use, among Canadians aged 12 and over. CCHS is conducted by Statistics Canada.Below is CCHS 2017 smoking prevalence by Province:
Current Smoking (total of daily and non-daily)
16% Canada
13% BC
14% NB
15% ON
16% CAN
16% MB
17% AB
17% PEI
18% NS
18% QC
20% SK
23% NL
26% YT (2014)
33% NWT (2014)
62% NU (2014)For more information, visit Statistics Canada.
CTADS 2017: Cigarette Smoking Prevalence in BC
The Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey (CTADS) is survey of tobacco, alcohol and drug use among Canadians aged 15 years and older. CTADS is conducted by Statistics Canada.Below the summary of province-specific results from CTADS 2017:
Current Cigarette Smoking Prevalence, Aged 15+
- Province" 15.6% (an increase from 10.2% in 2015)
- Canada: 15.1% (an increase from 13.0% in 2015)
- Range of Provincial Rates: 11.8% - 20.0%
Daily Cigarette Smoking Prevalence, Aged 15+
- Province: 11.7% (an increase from 6.4% in 2015)
- Canada: 10.8% (unchanged from 9.4% in 2015)
- Range of Provincial Rates: 8.1% - 15.3%
Average Cigarettes Per Day, Daily Smoker, Aged 15+
- Province: 15.3 (unchanged from 14.8 in 2015)
- Canada: 13.7 (unchanged from 13.8 in 2015)
- Range of Provincial Averages: 11.9 - 18.6
E-Cigarette Ever Tried Prevalence, Aged 15+
- Province 17.6% (unchanged from 14.2% in 2015)
- Canada 15.4% (an increase from 13.2% in 2015)
- Range of Provincial Rates 12.9% - 19.9%
E-Cigarette Past-30-Day Prevalence, Aged 15+
- Province" 5.4% (an increase from 2.8% in 2015)
- Canada: 2.9% (unchanged from 3.2% in 2015)
- Range of Provincial Rates: 1.9% - 5.7%
Any Tobacco Product Past-30-Day Prevalence, Aged 15+
- Province: 19.7% (an increase from 13.7% in 2015)
- Canada: 17.8% (an increase from 15.5%↓ in 2015)
- Range of Provincial Rates: 15.5%↑ - 21.9%
↑ Rounds up to whole number.
↓ Rounds down to whole number.Note: There were increases in both the current and daily cigarette smoking prevalence, as well as increases in the prevalence of those who reported using an e-cigarette in the past 30 days and the prevalence of past-30-day use of any tobacco product, overall, for the Province of British Columbia.
Health effects
Quick FactsThere is consensus among the international scientific community that second-hand smoke is a hazardous carcinogen and all involuntary exposure should be eliminated in workplaces, public places and in the home.The scientific evidence is now indisputable: second-hand smoke is not a mere annoyance. It is a serious health hazard that can lead to disease and premature death in children and non-smoking adults. There is NO safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke.
Second-hand smoke…
Releases thousands of toxic chemicals into the air, over 50 of which are known to cause cancer, including: benzene, formaldehyde, cadmium and lead.
In Adults…
Exposure to second-hand smoke causes lung cancer, nasal sinus cancer, heart disease, chronic respiratory symptoms, and asthma induction and exacerbation.
Research also indicates a strong association between second-hand smoke and breast cancer, cervical cancer, stroke, and miscarriage.Breathing second-hand smoke for even a short time can have immediate adverse effects, causing physical reactions linked to heart and stroke disease.
In Children…
Second-hand smoke is even more harmful to children because their lungs are still developing and more easily damaged. Exposure has been proven to cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), fetal growth impairment, chronic respiratory symptoms, bronchitis, pneumonia, middle ear infections, asthma attacks and allergies.
Research also indicates exposure is associated with decreased lung function, exacerbation of cystic fibrosis, brain cancer and lymphomas and impairment of a child’s ability to learn.
Source: Report of the US Surgeon General
Tobacco use & disease
Quick Facts- Tobacco-related illness is the leading cause of preventable death in BC. Approximately 6,000 British Columbians die each year from tobacco related illnesses, either caused by direct tobacco use and/or exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke. Source
- Lung cancer caused by smoking has passed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths for women in rich countries. Source
- Quitting by middle age can avoid 60% of the risk of dying of lung cancer. Quitting smoking before the age of 40 reduces the risk of dying from smoking-related disease by about 90%. Source
- Medical conditions attributable to tobacco were the primary contributor to substance related hospitalizations in BC in 2011, followed by alcohol and illicit drugs. There were 28,206 tobacco-related, 21,542 alcohol-related and 4,326 drug-related hospitalizations across BC in 2011. Source
- It is estimated that smoking is responsible for 30% of all cancer deaths and is related to more than 85% of all lung cancer cases. Source
- Long-term exposure to second-hand smoke is associated with a 20-30% increased risk of developing lung cancer in non-smokers. It is also believed second-hand smoke may cause three times as many deaths as a result of other cancers (e.g. nasal sinus cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer) than due to lung cancer. Source
Effects on the BC economy
Quick Facts- Tobacco use is estimated to cost the British Columbian economy over $2.3 billion each year, including health care costs from treating tobacco-related illnesses, increased sick time and lower productivity. Source
Tobacco smoke & nicotine
Quick Facts- Nicotine, which is a highly addictive drug, is found in tobacco products. Although nicotine in and of itself does not cause many of the diseases associated with smoking and other tobacco use, the nicotine will itself lead to an addiction to tobacco.
- When smoking, a typical smoker takes 10 puffs on a cigarette. A pack-a-day smoker thus typically has 200 hits of nicotine a day.
- Tobacco smoke contains an estimated 4,000 compounds, with about 250 chemicals that are known to be toxic or carcinogenic, including tar, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide and benzene.(National Toxicology Program)